About LDPlayer:
LDPlayer is an Android emulator for gamers, running Android Nougat 7.1. It includes the typical cluster of gamer-arranged elements, including great console planning controls, multi-occasion, macros, high FPS, and graphical help. This is one of only a handful of exceptional emulators on the rundown that gets dynamic updates practically consistently
LDPlayer System Requirements:
You should have a RAM of 2GB with the base free extra room of 36GB as a base necessity. You can work the product on Windows XP, Windows 7/8/8.1, just as on Windows 10. Aside from this, you will be needed to empower the equipment virtualization innovation in the BIOS to run the product
Here Is The Link To Online and Offline Installer...
Oflline Installer Size 411mb and It on Google Drive Link...
The the most important part , this is zip file and this have a Password
The Password IS....